Theme: Global e-Health Initiatives: Expanding healthcare access and outcomes worldwide

Ehealth 2024

Renowned Speakers

Ehealth 2024

The 7th International Conference on E-Health and Alternative Medicine Innovations brings together mainly modernized medical professionals to explore active, high-quality learning, high-quality health information and strong integrated systems planning Provides Ehealth 2024 will include young examiners, clinical review industry pioneers, well-educated professionals, senior officials, supervisors, aspiring CEOs, current clinical review representatives, outstanding students, subject matter experts, Networks in the field of cutting-edge clinical benefits for lonely patients are invited.This is where coordination and public participation will take place to increase the speed of future research, which is expected to reach high speeds in the near future using floats to foster the development and flourishing of clinical thought.At the E-Prosperity event, exhibitors will be invited to participate as well and promote their clinical equipment, programming, E-Prosperity applications, as well as flexible applications and other clinical and E-Wealth Capture offers an opportunity to advance this phase using recently revived web-based wealth applications and compact wealth items.The conference will be held in Paris, France on September 25-26, 2024.

1. E-Health (Electronic Health)

E-Health is depicted as utilization of web and other related movements within the clinical thought, thriving planning, information, examination and industry to chip absent at the capability, ampleness, nature of treatment, commerce prepare utilized by clinical thought affiliations, masters, patients and buyers with the assistance of Following era Arrange (NGN) Next Generation Network to chip absent at the success and status of persistent.

2. Computerized Health Start-up Forum

As clinical benefits continue to advance and the need for cutting-edge clinical care frameworks increases, many new organizations are leveraging electronic and Internet-based asset development to improve patient leadership and lifestyle.Automatic health therapy, telemedicine, high-level pathology, high-level prosperity, e-prosperity, m-prosperity, and so many new organizations seem to be advancing with the latest creative thinking.There have been very few cases over the past year like phones, applications, sensors, etc., they are triggering behavioral changes in patients.

3. E-Health Applications

Considerations are used to help determine the type of treatment.Cost and time investment through reduction of unnecessary assessments, including existing patient information, reasonably accessible and capable workflows, and simple cross-institution response.E-health solutions provide a dedicated gateway for patients and physicians, allowing everyone involved in the care cycle to access the information they need.E-Health Doctor Gateway provides doctors with her web access to selected content and supports them in properly monitoring patient medication.

4. Electronic Health Records

By embedding it into network-related trial-wide data structures, the modernized planning dataset is prepared for shared use in highly specialized clinical service areas.Such records may include complete data or personal details such as economic data, clinical records, disease and susceptibility, vaccination status, laboratory study results, radiological images, main symptoms, age, weight, charges, etc.May represent a comprehensive layer of data in graph form.Its inspiration lies in the common recording of patient encounters, enabling computerization and streamlining of workflow in clinical consultation environments, establishing security through confirmation-based telephone support, quality organization and electronic Health Records.

5. Electronic Medical Record

EMR deals with electronic medical records rather than paper records and documents that reside in a doctor's workplace.EMRs typically contain general data, such as patient treatment and medical history, as it is collected by a particular healthcare provider.By implementing an EMR, patient data is handled half-heartedly compared to healthcare professionals who spend more time on various support services.We work with selected people who visit the clinic for consultations and health checks, always carefully checking certain necessities such as vaccinations and local electricity readings by unit.The EMR unit is expected to support the relationship by providing calm and clear thinking.Perhaps the best basic feature is that EMRs generally record local units.This means that instead of using completely different charts on different ancillary workstations, patients can use a single electronic system that can be accessed from any ambiguous EMR code

6: Telemedicine

Telemedicine is a fast-paced application of clinical medicine in which clinical information is transmitted through natural common media to guide traditional remote tasks and examinations.Essentially, telemedicine can be as immediate as two medical professionals discussing a case over the phone, or it can be something completely different, using satellite developments and video conferencing tools.It could be as front-line as a long-term interview between clinical experts from two countries.Telemedicine typically uses exchanges and data history to convey clinical ideas.Telecare (also meaning out of office care), staff in progress of care.Absentee clinical care has a long and rich history, and with the development of modern communications, it has evolved into what is commonly known as modern telemedicine.

7: Mobile Health

M-Health, also known as multipurpose health, refers to the application of medicines and general health maintained through mobile devices such as mobile phones, tablets, and personal advanced colleagues, i.e., a M-Health includes all applications of broadcast communication and innovations for the transmission of care and health data.Patients receive phone calls and messages/voicemails related to health education, treatment compliance, contacting their primary care physician, internist, or clinical specialist, arranging transportation to a medical facility, and more.Employees are provided with the resources they need to use the latest clinical rules and teams.Meet with colleagues, analyze information, receive analysis assistance, and engage with clients.

8. Allopathy Medicine

Allopathy provides indirect and quick help for less certain diseases, instantly obliterating the appearance of the disease and having long-term effects ranging from mild to severe, with immediate results.The system in which clinically trained specialists and clinical service specialists are responsible for supervising and treating side effects and diseases caused by radiation and surgery, as well as we also recommend prescribing symptomatic treatments as standard or regular medications.In this regimen, the results of the studies are purely observational.

•     Asthma

•     Joint inflammation

•     Malignant growth

•     Diabetes

•     Alzheimer's

9. Ayurvedic Medicine

A Sanskrit word consisting of ``Ayus'' (life) and ``Veda'' (knowledge), meaning ``data about life.'' Pharmaceutical products are made using flavorings, minerals, and animal materials such as milk and bones, and may contain significant amounts of harmful substances such as lead, mercury, and arsenic, which are generally called normal repair research.The degree of delayed effects is exceptional or non-existent, and it is also effective in the treatment of flatulence, gastrointestinal disorders, hormonal disorders and harmful diseases, and utilizes nature's characteristic guidelines to improve the mind, body and soul.It maintains its own power in harmony with nature.

10. Homeopathic medication

Homeopathy is based on the ability to treat diseases with minute doses of drugs that cause indistinguishable symptoms in healthy people.These systems include the usual defense structures that attack hidden drivers, and patients are treated according to their indications.It is to support the body so that it can take action against dangerous creatures.It requires some work, engages the body's normal gatekeeper systems, and makes the body stronger.This excellent solution is 100% suitable for different prescriptions and does not affect the proper supply of different medicines.

11. Over-The-Counter Drugs (OTC)

OTC prescriptions do not require professional attention are safe and beneficial medications for the general public.Their basic pharmacological activity is negligible, so experts do not need to be particularly stressed about their use by real patients.It is generally used as an empirical support rather than as an aid to the selection of medicines recommended by doctors.It is possible that the researchers themselves support her OTC.Some patients don't want to put a lot of energy into the middle of a specialist.

•    Analgesics

•    Anti-microbials

•    Decongestants

•     Allergy meds

•     NSAIDS

12: Prescription Drugs

A written request for medicines from a qualified person (specialist, dental professional, etc.).Medication treatment must be supported by a dedicated professional with clinical training.It must be clearly designed, formed, engineered, extremely durable, and timeless.If a drug is expected to replace a previously approved drug, the old drug must be removed, verified, and dated.Information regarding medication changes should be communicated to the nursing staff and all persons sympathetic to the patient.

13: Health IT Systems

Incorporating health information technology (IT) development into clinical research integrates various electronic systems that enable county units to gather direct information about population health and clinical benefits for individuals, patients.The use of Thrive IT improves on standard of care while delivering clinical benefits cost-effectively.Enriching IT enables healthcare providers to better manage patient care through the protected use and sharing of medical information.By creating secure, personalized electronic asset data for specific Americans and making asset data available electronically whenever and wherever needed, Asset IT can improve healthcare services while lowering standards.

14: Virtual Healthcare

Virtual thinking refers to “virtual visits” between patients and doctors through the development of video and audio capabilities, with “virtual” meetings taking place from virtually any location without interruption.A virtual visit is a video conference between a trained professional and the patient.In fact, it may give patients the opportunity to take advantage of additional rights that currently allow eligible second feels online.Until now, virtual thinking has been primarily used for meetings, conferences, and regular reports, rather than for comprehensive diagnosis or prescriptions.Be that as it may, considering the progress of development, more realistic situations such as the polygamy problem are under the influence of virtual thinking.The benefits of virtual clinical practice also allow experts to study diseases and technologies remotely.Home-based patient care has also proven important in treating patients with progressive diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, where readmissions occur due to noncompliance or failure to publicly disclose patient conditions.

15: Health Data Security

Clinical considerations for data security provide encryption and key verification for clinical benefit, reduce risks associated with patient data retention, and strengthen the bottom line security and integrity position and HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) ensures the openness, security, and protection of patient clinical and personal records, findings, treatments, progress, recommendations, radiology images, and test results.Patient safety is clearly a necessity, and the last thing the clinical consulting industry needs is discipline against data loss, patient information leaks, and failure to maintain consistency.

•   PC protection screen

•    Encryption

•    Verification

•    Fingerprint

•    Palm check

•    Retina scan

•    Voice confirmation

16: Medical Devices

Traditional clinical care systems are logically enabled and patients are being discharged from crisis centers and other clinical care workplaces where they truly need care.Therefore, both commoners and master guardians utilize a wide range of advancements.Some clinical equipment has been in use at home for quite some time. .Solid clinical devices are a combination of natural devices such as: Individual lifting and moving of special beds, objects and toileting aids.Glucose measurement is a medical device used to measure the vague accumulation of glucose in the blood.A small amount of blood collected by pricking the skin with a lancet is applied to the extra test strip, which the meter examines to determine blood sugar levels.CPAP (Constant Positive Flying Course Pressure) is a type of safe flying pressure ventilator that constantly applies gentle pneumatic energy to keep the avionics channel open to people who can suddenly inhale in solution.

17: Telepharmacy

Telepharmacy is a means of delivering medicines to patients through media communication, such as mobile phones or computers, in locations where the patient is unlikely to have direct contact with this is an opportunity for the broader telemedicine miracle happening in the pharmacy space.

Telepharmacy combines medication therapy review, patient adjustment, expert-recommended drug advance support and reordering, and model consistency verification with the help of impartial organization and video conferencing.Remote management of plans through robotic bundling and review systems can also be considered as a telepharmacy option.

The population welfare in board market is expected to reach $46.7 billion by 2026, registering an average annual growth rate of 13.4% during the forecast period. This report segments the PHM market on the basis of components, transmission type, end customers, and region.

Population Wellbeing Board agreements enable health service partners to deliver patient-centered care, helping to significantly reduce costs associated with health care by reducing readmissions.These regulations ensure that the care placement process runs smoothly and ease the work process.

Government mandates and support for IT provision in healthcare, increasing use of extensive information research also, the development of emerging countries (Brazil, Russia, India, South Korea, China, etc.), the increasing focus on customized medicines, and the increasing focus on evaluation-based medicines provide market participants with valuable information when estimating Expected to provide a learning experience. period.Nevertheless, information confusion, lack of talented researchers, and interoperability issues are having an adverse impact on the development of this market.


Presentation Requirements:

  • Participating authors are answerable for registration, travel, and hotel costs. Note: Those with submitted abstracts will get an acknowledgment mail enabling them to enrol for the gathering.
  • Abstracts will be compiled, and conference books are made available to participants at the conference.
  • Any presenter who is unable to attend should arrange for another qualified individual to present the paper/poster in question. If such a change is necessary, please notify our conference team

Submission Options:

  • Oral paper introductions will have 30-minute schedule time slot. The keynote session will have for 45-minute presentation duration, workshop/special session will have 1-hour long schedule opening and symposium will have 1-hour long availability followed by 5-minute Q&A session.
  • Graduate and master’s understudies are qualified to present their abstracts under poster and e-poster presentation category.
  • Ph.D. understudies are qualified to submit their abstract under special YRF (Young Researcher's Forum), poster and e-poster presentation category.
  • NOTE: YRF category includes short oral presentation especially for Ph. D. students
  • Extended abstract: Submissions should utilize the Abstract Template. Papers submitted in this category may represent original empirical research, theoretical development, reviews, or critiques.

Participation Options: Ehealth Conference provides the participants with different modes or ways to participate such as Delegate or Speaker under ACADEMIC / STUDENT / BUSINESS Category.

  • Keynote speaker: 45-50 minutes
  • Speaker (oral presentation): 25-30 minutes (only one person can present)
  • Speaker (workshop): 45-50 minutes (more than 1 can present)
  • Speaker (special session): 45-50 minutes (more than 1 can present)
  • Speaker (symposium): more than 45 minutes (more than 1 can present)
  • Delegate (only registration): will have access to all the sessions with all the benefits of registration
  • Poster presenter:  can present a poster and enjoy the benefits of delegate
  • Remote attendance:  can participate via video presentation or e-poster presentation
  • Exhibitor: can exhibit his/her company’s products by booking exhibitor booths of different sizes
  • Media partner
  • Sponsor
  • Collaborator

Benefits of Joining Conference:

  • Get your abstract published with DOI
  • Get Certified for your participation
  • Reduced Costs Affordability
  • Knock Down Geographical Barriers
  • Convenience from comfort of your own home or from work
  • They’re Archived: Ability to view events in the recording
  • Great resource for learning new career skills
  • Learn from the Pros
  • Global exposure to your research
  • Make new connections
  • Significant time saving
  • Wider Reach
  • Position yourself as the expert
  • Get your abstracts published with unique DOI in International Journals
  • Get up to 50% discounts for publishing your entire article in our open access International Journals
  • Get Handbooks and conference kits
  • Get an access to the network with eminent personalities from worldwide.

To share your views and research, please click here to register for the Conference.

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date September 25-26, 2024
Sponsors & Exhibitors Click here for Sponsorship Opportunities
Speaker Opportunity Closed
Poster Opportunity Closed Click Here to View