Cukurova University, Adana - Turkey
Title: Accelerating health care to Orthorexia Nervosa and Obsessivecompulsive Symptomatic high school students
Biography: Ersin AKPINAR
The term of ‘eating disorders’ (EDs) covers the variety of disorders that are characterized by the abnormal eating habits of the patient associated with emotional diffi culties. Orthorexia nervosa (ON) is mainly characterized by supreme obsession with eating healthy, that sometimes lead to the severe physical, psychological and social disorders. Many of the psychological and behavioral aspects of EDs are shared by people who are at risk of ON. A signifi cant correlation between ON and the psychopathological characteristics of other EDs, was observed based on the variables including drive for thinness, bulimia symptoms, body dissatisfaction, perfectionism, interoceptive awareness, asceticism and impulsiveness. Thus, highlighted the possible relation between the risk of suffering ON and the diagnosis of ED.