Houda Fakhkhari
Lalla Salma Foundation – Cancer prevention and treatement, Morocco
Title: Moroccan Shared Patient Record (MSPR): Global architecture
Biography: Houda Fakhkhari
This paper presents the Moroccan Shared Patient Record architecture. We propose a four-layer architecture framework of a Shared Patient Record that includes business, functional, applications and technology layer descriptions taking into account the country’s context, specific needs and constraints and making sure that the patient is at the center of care.
Background. Complexity is the main challenge facing Healthcare systems. The patient care delivery involves many stakeholders such as public and private hospitals, insurance companies, care providers, Ministry of Health and many other healthcare professionals. Besides, the role of the patient has changed from a passive recipient of care to a more active participant in care delivery. Considering this mindset changes, there should be a Shared Patient Record that promotes the coordinated and continuous care delivery, the data and information sharing, the easy access to relevant information and finally the usage of a standard nomenclature and a centralized health information repository in order to normalize the healthcare delivery in Morocco and then ensure a national access to quality care.